Logika Group works internationally from its offices in Belgium and the United Kingdom.
To request more information please: email hello@logikagroup.com or telephone our nearest office.
8-9 Ship StreetBrighton BN1 1AD
T: 020 3873 4780 E: hello@logikagroup.com
3rd Floor, St Augustine's CourtSt Augustine's PlaceBristol BS1 4UD
T: 0117 974 1086 E: hello@logikagroup.com
24 Greville Street, FarringdonLondon EC1N 8SS
T: 0203 873 4780 E: hello@logikagroup.com
First Floor, Patten House, Moulders Lane, Warrington, WA1 2BA
T: 01925 937 195 E: hello@logikagroup.com
T&T, Avenue du Port 86c, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
© Logika Group 2025